Specialist methadone service

What does the service provide

SNA provides the eastern region specialist methadone service.

The service provides assessment, clinical treatment to referred clients, and advice and case support in shared care with general practitioners and pharmacists.The service may also offer shared care arrangements to assist the process of stabilisation.

Specialist methadone consultancy

The specialist methadone consultancy service provides practitioners with immediate response to questions about methadone provision, and assistance and support in the management of clients with complex treatment needs.


Referral to the service is through the client’s primary health care practitioner. Clients eligible for the service may include:

  •  pregnant women with unstable drug use
  •  clients with polydrug dependence and abuse
  •  clients with psychiatric conditions in combination with substance abuse
  •  clients with unstable serious medical conditions in combination with substance abuse


Health practitioners may contact the specialist methadone service from 9am-5pm weekdays TEL: 03 9254 8050.

Out of hours contact can be made to DACAS: The 24hour clinical advisory service  consultancy service TEL: 9416 3611 (metro) 1800 812 804 (country freecall)